Why you should not drink alkaline water by Nuno Nina

Nuno Nina explains in this short but concise video why he believes we should not drink alkaline water. Based on his experience and clinical studies alkaline water has no actual health benefits in fact can cause the opposite. He believes the ideal pH of the water should be neutral/slightly acidic. Watch this video to find out why!

Although Nuno feels very strongly against Alkaline Water he has held for many years a strong belief in the numerous health benefits associated with molecular hydrogen in water. As a result, when designing his CellPower Hydrogen Water Bottle, he made a deliberate decision to avoid producing alkaline water and his primary objective was to infuse water with molecular hydrogen while maintaining the initial pH of the water. Nuno carefully adjusted the voltage level to ensure that the electrolysis process did not raise the pH of the water. This meticulous approach aimed to strike the perfect balance between H2 concentration, ORP, rH2, and pH values in the device. This aligns with CellPower's advocacy for the consumption of slightly acidic water with a pH range of 5-7, as it prevents any adverse interference with the digestive process in the stomach. For more information on CellPower Water Bottle Versus Alkaline Water see this post.


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